Love Languages and Astrology Big Three

sun sign ☉: the sun determines your ego, identity, and "role" in life. it's the core of who you are, and is the sign you're most likely to already know.

moon sign ☾: the moon rules your emotions, moods, and feelings. this is likely the sign you most think of yourself as, since it reflects your personality when you're alone or deeply comfortable.

rising/ascendant ↑: your ascendant is the "mask" you present to people. it can be seen in your personal style and how you come off to people when you first meet.

selina dinh

words of affirmation/quality time | pisces ☉ aquarius ☾ taurus ↑

eden au nguyen

quality time/physical touch | cancer ☉ aries ☾ sagittarius ↑

joanna phung

acts of service/quality time | leo ☉ aries ☾ virgo ↑

kim tran

words of affirmation/acts of service | taurus ☉ libra ☾ leo ↑

nghia nguyen

words of affirmation/physical touch | taurus ☉ sagittarius ☾ scorpio ↑

jessica duong

quality time | libra ☉ sagittarius ☾ sagittarius ↑

kyle dao

receiving gifts/gift giving | sagittarius☉ scorpio ☾ virgo ↑

thu nguyen

quality time | pisces ☉ scorpio ☾ cancer ↑

haiau vo

physical touch/quality time/acts of service | virgo ☉ gemini ☾ libra ↑

timmy pham

acts of service | pisces ☉ cancer ☾ taurus ↑

kim nguyen

quality time | virgo ☉ capricorn ☾ libra ↑

yvonne tran

words of affirmation | cancer ☉ pisces ☾

patrick le

quality time/physical touch | virgo ☉ taurus ☾ leo ↑

khanh le

physical touch | aquarius ☉ aries ☾ leo ↑

kristin hong

acts of service | taurus ☉ scorpio ☾ capricorn ↑

tom van

acts of service | gemini ☉ gemini ☾ gemini ↑

kevin le

acts of service | capricorn ☉ scorpio ☾ aries ↑

hoang le

quality time | libra ☉ leo ☾ capricorn ↑

kaylan bui

acts of service | aries ☉ aquarius ☾ sagittarius ↑

emily hoang

words of affirmation/acts of service | aquarius ☉ cancer ☾ gemini ↑

kristy nhan

acts of service/quality time | aquarius ☉ pisces ☾ cancer ↑

catherine huynh

acts of service | leo ☉ capricorn ☾ gemin i↑

diana nguyen

quality time/physical touch/acts of service | pisces ☉ cancer ☾ scorpio ↑


Sun Sign Elements

Moon Sign Elements

Rising Sign Elements

since we can’t all be together, this is what it would look like if we all stood next to each other :3

since we can’t all be together, this is what it would look like if we all stood next to each other :3

Average Intimidation Scores