Accountability and Communication

Accountability and Communication created by Jackie Nguyen


  1. General

    • Be responsive in communication channels— within 48-hours is ideal

    • Be up-to-date with internal activities

    • Participate in promoting all VSAUW events

    • Notify necessary officers if obstacles arise that prevent completing task on time

    • If an event requires officer attendance, give 5-day notice

    • Be attentive to VSAUW members and notify team if concerns to community safety arise

  2. Events (General meetings, collaborations, etc.)

    • All events are mandatory

    • Actively participate and engage with members

    • Minimize unnecessary technology use

  3. Officer and Team Meetings

    • All meetings are mandatory

    • Actively participate in discussions and be attentive 

    • Minimize unnecessary technology use

    • Zoom Meetings—turn on camera if device allows, unmute mic if no background noise

  4. Tabling

    • Sign up for tabling shifts— required number of shifts determined by secretary

    • If an officer is unable to make it to their shift, designate another officer to cover

  5. Collective Knowledge— Officers are expected to be able to understand and explain...

    • Mission statement and constitution

    • Collective Philanthropy Project (CPP) and how funds are collected

    • All upcoming VSAUW-affiliated events

    • General understanding of topics covered by Political Chair

    • Structure of VSA externally


  1. Fill out Leave of Absence Form at least 24-48 hours before event/meeting date

  2. Notify necessary officers of your absence (chart included in Leave of Absence Form)

  3. Communicate and organize with team if work must be done in your absence

  4. Miss no more than 1 event and 2 officer/team meetings a month

  • Absent for more than 2 events and 3 officer/team meetings a month calls for a Support Meeting


  1. Conflict should concern only the people who are impacted

    • Any outside involvement should be consensual by both parties

  2. Options for mediation: 

    • Privately between both parties

    • Team Lead, VPO, President

    • Support Meeting

    • Team/All-Officer Discussion

  3. If harm has been done, follow Accountability Staircase of Change:

    1. Stop the ongoing behavior

    2. Recognize the behavior (Self-Accountability)

    3. Recognize the consequences of the behavior without excuses, even if unintended 

    4. Make repairs for the harm or impact of the behavior

    5. Change harmful or inconsistent values & attitudes so that it is not repeated

    6. Show up as healthy member of your community


Support Meetings are an opportunity to meet individually with officers who are having difficulties meeting expectations. Everything discussed during a Support Meeting will be logged and shared with the Team Lead, VPO, and President to hold the officer and team accountable for growth. The first meeting will be with the Team Lead, a second will involve Team Lead and VPO, and a third is with the Team Lead, VPO, and President. 

  • Create a specific action plan

  • Discuss any obstacles to attending events/meetings, completing work, and/or being present, etc. 

  • Define concerns and improvement opportunities, individually and holistically

  • Find ways for team to support individual

Have a concern, comment, or suggestion? Contact Jackie Nguyen.